Cannabis laughs are a constant among marijuana smokers. It is amazing how funny shows, movies or conversations seem to us when we are high, while in other circumstances-sober- we would not find them funny at all. But why does this happen? Is there any physical or neurological explanation for such hilarity?

Some authors have suggested that, when stoned, we acquire a remote, independent perspective, which is why we find things so funny. As we stop thinking our usual way, it is as if another person sneaked into our brain with a different way of managing it. Undoubtedly marijuana changes the way we think, but how and why?

Blood Flow

Marijuana is known to increase blood flow in certain parts of the brain, which are the right frontal lobe and the left temporal lobe, as well as the cerebellum. In addition, recent studies also show that it relatively increases metabolic activity in certain parts of the brain (frontal and anterior cingulate cortex) during cognitive processes when people are stoned, compared to when they are not.

Probably, what completes the answer is that marijuana totally raises the spirits, and therefore predisposes us to more laughter. And that it is less due to changes in blood flow and more to the release of neurotransmitters.


When smoking marijuana, blood absorbs THC and takes it to the brain, where it combines with the cannabinoid receptors, activating the mesolimbic system and causing the brain to release dopamineand endorphins -like whenever we do exercise, fall in love or watch something long desired.

Reflex activity

Already Pliny The Old mentioned it in his work Naturalis Historia referring to cannabis: we do not know why, but marijuana tends to produce hysteric reflex laughing, similar to that produced by tickling, but there is nothing funny going on. And this combines with the fact that laughter is contagious and everyone is more likely to laugh whenever we hear more laughter.

These are just some brief notes on the full explanation of why marijuana makes us laugh. But we still have much to learn about the changes in perception and on our senses that cannabis causes. Nevertheless, while research is going on, do not forget that laughter is therapeutic!