Medicinal cannabis has become a great help for many patients who need a little boost to recover and carry on living with energy. Nausea, digestive disorders, convulsions, depression and insomnia are only a few of the most common health problems which can be cured with marijuana. We explain how this is achieved.

Nausea and loss of appetite

One of the ailments that can be treated thanks to cannabis is nausea and loss of appetite, a problem that can leave us without energy, weakened and finding it difficult to get better if we suffer other illnesses.

Cannabis is a unique substance that can lead to a cure and a quick recovery; it helps to stimulate appetite and suppresses nausea. Many studies on the effects of THC have reported that some sick patients, who tend to lose weight, usually regain it when they medicate with marihuana.

Digestive disorders

It has been shown that the presence of cannabinoid receptors in the body helps to regulate gastric juices and intestinal transit. The digestive system relaxes and does not try to constantly get rid of excessive waste. Taking products derived from marijuana enables more regular and smoother digestion.


One of the most studied effects of marijuana is its capacity to reduce and block pain (also chronic pain). It produces effects on the brain and the nervous system such as euphoria and it improves mood. Marijuana is a unique tool for any patient suffering from this type of pain: it does not cause addiction and it has positive effects, hence it is completely different to more extreme treatments such as morphine.


CB2 receptors carry out a crucial role in our immune systems, calming and preventing inflammation that is sometimes produced as a natural physiological response to injuries and infections. When there is excessive inflammation, it can cause discomfort or lead to damage in the area where it is present. The consumption of cannabis-based medicines produces an analgesic effect that helps to reduce inflammation.

Convulsions and spasms

Some illnesses produce convulsions on a regular basis that wear out and weaken the sufferer. There is ample evidence to show that marijuana acts against convulsions, reducing them or making them disappear. Specifically, it is the cannabinoid CBD that does this; it is the main factor responsible for fighting the symptoms of illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

There are numerous examples of people who have reduced their convulsions by almost 100% by medicating with cannabis. Also, these people have been able to abandon therapies that used toxic and harmful medicines which barely had any effect on spasms.


The psychoactive effects of cannabis are mainly produced due to CB1 receptors that are found in the brain. It has been shown that these receptors affect stress levels and depression, and that cannabinoids can have a positive effect on mental health by alleviating them and improving mood. Recent studies indicate that regular consumers of marijuana have low levels of the so-called “illness of the 21st century”


Another of the positive effects that is normally associated with marijuana is its calming and tranquilizing powers. Researchers have shown that the endocannabinoid system acts on the brain in situations involving stress and fear through CBD, in order to reduce the anxiety created by these situations.


Sleeping well is vital in order to have a healthy lifestyle, since a lack of sleep results in tiredness which can degenerate into chronic fatigue, lead to memory loss and affect reasoning and emotional control.

Medicinal marijuana helps many patients and gives them the chance to get the restorative sleep that their illness has deprived them of. However, this depends on the variety used, as some types of marijuana have stimulating effects (the opposite of the desired effect in this case). Others, such as “Bubba Kush” can even have sedative effects.



At an advanced stage, arthritis is a chronic illness that incapacitates the sufferer, preventing them from leading a normal life. Pain, swelling, and discomfort are common symptoms. THC has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore arthritis suffers may find that it has a calming effect on pain and helps to delay a worsening of the illness. It is recommended to consume marijuana as well as apply it to the affected areas in the form of an ointment.

Migraines and headaches

Migraines, as well as causing intense and long-lasting pain, also provoke cramp and nausea. Cannabis acts on serotonin, a substance in the brain, in order to prevent the onset of headaches, and many people who suffer from migraines state that the pain and effects have lessened with prolonged consumption over time.


Cancer treatment

Radiation and chemotherapy are still very aggressive cancer treatment methods. They are tough tests for anyone who has to go through them; therefore marijuana can be a good ally to help fight the side effects: it alleviates the discomfort, nausea, and physical pain that accompany the illness.


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