One of the main worries of marijuana lovers is having to undergo a urine test that could reveal their cannabis consumption and have fearsome consequences. Marijuana can leave traces in the human body that remain for up to 30 days after having smoked it (especially in people who consume it due to health problems). However, traces will typically remain in the smoker’s body for 3 to 10 days.

How to pass a Drug Test after Smoking Weed?

Consequently, if you face a urine test that could affect your future but you do not want to stop smoking, you can follow the five tricks to modify samples we have published here. If you still harbour fears, perhaps you need to adhere to the following recommendations for the days before the test.

  • First of all, it is necessary to stop smoking at least six days before the check. We know that this will be difficult, but you will have the consolation of being able to savour cannabis again once you have successfully completed the test.
  • Next, it is necessary to drink a lot of liquids, not only water, but also juices, teas and broths. This is particularly important the night before the test, as it is necessary to urinate ten to twelve times for the THC to break down and go undetected. Liquids will reduce its presence in the urine and help you to obtain a negative test when the moment of truth arrives (as shown in some scientific studies). It is not a case of your body being free from marijuana, but rather, you will simply urinate water with a different pH level than usual, containing few traces of oxidants, chlorine and other impurities (such as traces of THC).

You must be aware that if you drink too much, your urine may be excessively watery and colourless. This may alert the examiners (who usually pay close attention to the colour.) Hence, in addition to liquids, try to take between 50 and 100 milligrams of B2 and B12 vitamins hours before the test, as they will give your secretions a consistent yellow colour. You can also try eating green asparagus a few days before the test.

Healthy Diet, the key to success 

The colour of the liquid does not guarantee that you will pass the test. It just helps to ensure that your tricks will not be spotted immediately and that the analysis will be less exhaustive. In order for the excessive hydration to go unnoticed, you should stick to a diet based around red meat for two to three days before the test. Why? The answer is simple: this type of meat contains creatine, an organic compound that, when heavily present in urine, it is an indicator that the secretion does not contain suspect substances. This gives the impression that everything is in order.

It is necessary to have a sufficient level of creatine as these types of examinations always measure the level of this substance as a means of verifying the integrity of the secretion (ensuring that it has not been manipulated, there is not an excessive amount of liquid and that all of the necessary elements are present…) However, no matter how much liquid you drink, your urine will appear normal if it contains the necessary quantity of creatine (even if you have dissolved it in water at the same time as the test).

On the other hand, the most experienced users recommend eating a lot of fibre and protein during the days leading up to the test, as this helps the body to get rid of THC more quickly. It is also advisable to consume products that help to burn fat easily as THC normally sticks to fatty tissue and is difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is possible that people who are slightly heavier and regular marijuana consumers, have greater difficulty passing the test.

Another way of preventing your urine from not being consistent enough is to hydrate yourself with Powerade or Gatorade style drinks… or even beer! All of this as a substitute for water. They are still liquids, but they contain substances that make the secretion thicker and provide other elements.

On the other hand, there are people who recommend using diuretics prescribed by a doctor as they are very powerful, help to eliminate water and sodium, and slow down the work of the kidneys so that they do not metabolize THC as quickly.

Does orange juice clean out your system?

However, it is always better to ingest natural things. Blueberry juice and any other supplements containing this fruit are excellent natural and powerful diuretics that you can avail of when necessary. You can also use other products such as orange juice to clean your system. Coffee, acidic drinks or the typical types of foods are recommended for diets.

If you are still uncertain of obtaining the result you want during the test, after drinking and consuming foodstuffs that lead to urination, you can also take aspirin (without being excessive!) several hours before the test, as it can help to camouflage traces of marijuana. According to several forums, there are no side effects; however, it is not recommendable to take too many of them.

Another of the most discussed pieces of advice on cannabis forums is consuming things that contain zinc sulphate (or even buying it at the pharmacy). The zinc will help to unite the marijuana traces in your body and will turn them away from the urinary tract and lead them to the rectum. Specifically, it is recommended to take 250 mg the night before the test and the same amount on the morning of the day that the test will be carried out. It is not advisable to take more than the specified dose as this may produce negative side effects.

Additionally, once you are in the test, you can try to urinate for a few seconds in the toilet and, as you begin to finish the process, you can urinate into the container that will be analysed. By doing this, you will manage to get rid of many of the possible remaining traces of cannabis, as they tend to be released in the first drops.

To avoid any bad surprise, use a detox gel

There are a lot of similar advices available, given that there are lots of people constantly in forums debating the possibilities of passing these tests. Some people are sceptical and others, in any case, are certain that it is necessary to do anything possible to help themselves in such a difficult moment.

In the meantime, if you have to take such a test, leave the marijuana in your pocket for a few days and try to do everything possible so that your body does not reveal to anybody what you have been doing lately. Many people say they have been lucky.