The world of marijuana has evolved just as much as wine. Any taste and need is represented in its endless menus of varieties. You can always find something to fit your lifestyle. 

There are also options for those of you who do not live in houses with a garden to plant marijuana outdoors and with discretion. Of course, there is the highly effective hydroponics culture, but it requires prior investment and a high electricity expenditure not everyone can afford. 

If you live in an apartment of an urban building -provided it is not on the mezzanine floor or ground floor, not to call too much attention- balconies are places where you can install and grow a small plantation without too much trouble. Just keep a few tips in mind:

  1. Check that the distance between neighbours is enough, in case one of them has a tattle-tale soul. If by lengthening his arm he can touch your balcony, it is a lost cause.
  2. Choose a variety with Indica predominance, they tend to be more compact and grow shorter than Sativa (Having a Christmas tree growing on your balcony is not very discreet). Prune it whenever necessary to encourage it to grow in width).
  3. Germination is best in spring as it is to plant it in small pots, surrounded by other seedlings (herbs, for example) to help you camouflage. Basil and tomato plants grow very well on small sticks. They also help hide the smell.
  4. If you do not wish the crop to take forever, have a control of the daylight hours. Once it has received twelve hours of daylight place it indoors to force it to bloom. You can also put a cover on it to prevent light from reaching it.
  5.  Another option is to use an auto-flowering variety that blooms on its own, without having to worry about light. And it is a dwarf autoflowering one, much better.
  6. You will be able to harvest before fall. Maybe not a whole bunch, but more than enough for the effort expended. 

And please, make sure you choose the right herb before cooking "pesto genovese" for your mother! 

Or not.