Numerous scientific studies confirm that marijuana is effective in the treatment of a range of different health problems and conditions. At times it supplants traditional medicines, other times it complements them, and in other cases it is the only substance capable of providing patients with enhanced quality of life.

More and more scientific studies are revealing new medical applications for marijuana. Many professionals who dedicate their careers to seeking alternatives to fight against diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's, are finding them in this natural plant. Here you can read about some of the most important studies on cannabis and the therapeutic sphere.

It helps broken bones to mend faster

According to a recent study at the University of Tel Aviv, cannabis may help broken bones to mend faster than usual. After administering cannabidiol to rats, the researchers confirmed that these animals' fractured femoral bones mended quickly. Apparently CBD fortifies the bones during the healing period and favours the development of the collagen base, which furthers the renewed mineralization of the bone tissue. They have also demonstrated that after treatment with cannabis the healed bone is less prone to breakage in the future.

It acts against epileptic seizures

According to a study carried out by the American Academy of Neurology, 50% of 137 epileptic children currently being treated with a marijuana-based medicine have experienced a reduction in seizures after three months under observation. Earlier this year the American Academy of Neurology recognised that medical marijuana can be a medical alternative to treat children with certain diseases, including epilepsy. In fact, there have been many cases of young people treated with cannabis oils whose health has improved remarkably.

It prevents the body from rejecting transplanted organs

A study by the University of South Carolina discovered that cannabis's psychoactive component may prevent the body from rejecting transplanted organs. The researchers experimented with several groups of mice, who were, given skin grafts. One of the groups was treated with THC and the other was not, with a clear reduction observed in transplant rejection by those medicated with this component of grass.

It is beneficial for the treatment of anxiety

A recent study at the New York University Medical School found that cannabidiol can also be used to treat anxiety disorders. The researchers found clear evidence that CBD can be effective in the treatment of panic attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A recent experiment with humans carried out by the University Medical Center Utrecht (Netherlands) explained that THC affects the brain, altering the way it perceives negative images and emotions, in addition to inducing relaxation in users. Thus, the substance could be used to help those suffering from depression, anxiety and other types of mental disorders.

It impedes memory loss

A study carried out by multiple Spanish institutions determined that THC and CBD helped to prevent memory loss in mice suffering the onset of Alzheimer's, and could be used in potential medicines for humans suffering from this disease. This finding supports that of another study (“The potential therapeutic effects of THC on Alzheimer´s disease”), published in the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, which stated that THC, marijuana's main psychoactive component, possesses the therapeutic potential to be used to in the fight against this ailment.

It is effective against glaucoma

One recent Israeli study explains that the topical application of marijuana, or its systematic consumption, can reduce intraocular pressure in both healthy people and those who suffer from glaucoma, such that the plant may be considered a therapeutic option against it. In fact, the National Eye Institute of the United States has been supporting research studies related to cannabis since 1978 because it believes that it can be effective in preventing this type of blindness. It can help to alleviate chronic pain

Several American universities, among them Columbia and the University of California, San Francisco, recently worked to determine whether cannabis can reduce chronic neuropathic pain. After conducting individual experiments on 178 participants, they came to the conclusion that inhaled marijuana can alleviate this type of pain in one out of every five or six patients, with short-term treatment.

It reduces the risk of bladder cancer

According to a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, marijuana users are 45% less likely to contract bladder cancer. They reached this conclusion after examining 82,050 people between 2002 and 2003 and conducting an exhaustive follow-up on their health until today. This study provides more evidence supporting what was already known on this subject. The Spanish professional Guillermo Velasco states in his most recent studies that cannabinoids feature anti-tumoural properties, explaining that they serve to induce the death of harmful cells, activating their metabolism in an aggressive way.

It can boost the survival rates of patients with brain injuries

A study headed up by researchers at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute determined that THC can have a positive impact on those who have suffered brain trauma. After analysing the status of 446 patients having suffered Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), they found that 82 of them had THC in their system; in this group, just 2.4% ended up dying. In contrast, 11.5% of those who did not consume marijuana passed away. These professionals explained the results by stating that the plant helps to protect the brain when it suffers some type of infection.

It prevents obesity and diabetes

Investigators at the University of Quebec, after examining to 786 adults ages 18 - 74 (some who were cannabis users and some who were not), determined that regular grass smokers have lower Body Mass Indexes (BMIs). Routine users also enjoy a reduced risk of developing diabetes, as they create less insulin on an empty stomach, and offer less resistance to it. These researchers believe that cannabinoids should be viewed as a valuable element for research on obesity and the problems associated with it, as well as an element able to prevent them.