Many experienced growers cannot be mistaken: if technology can be of help to produce better results and more easily, why not take advantage of it? Discover how simple automatic cultivation systems can be, ideal for those just getting started out in this green world.

Many of those taking their steps as growers still think that they can get the best results by using the same techniques that were standard before technology reached the cannabis sector. Why bother using new tools if you they used to figure it out all by themselves, with exquisite results? Well, the rules of the game have changed, and now we have available to us a wide range of cultivation systems that are as sophisticated as they are simple to use, and more practical and effective than those used by yesterday's growers.

Whether you have a room at home for hydroponic cultivation, an immense garden, a corner on your terrace, or any other space in which to plant, nurture and watch your plants grow, those most experienced in the field will always advise you to opt for an automatic growing system that spares you problems–all so that you can get quality results in a much more convenient, simple and efficient way.

With simplicity as its hallmark, the Autopot automatic irrigation system will allow you to simulate a situation similar to what would take place if you were growing in Nature. Its dryness/humidity cycle mimics natural systems and allows you to completely forego electrical devices like timers or pumps.

With nothing more than the force of gravity, your plants will always have the water they need. Whenever they need nutrients, they can absorb them. In this way you'll be able to save up to 40% on irrigation water, at the same time boosting your plants' yield.

Just place your pots on the receptacles and you can forget about them, as they will never go without sustenance. With the Autopot system it's no problem if you decide to spend the weekend away, or even go on vacation.


Although a bit more complex than the Autopot, the Aeroflo growing system is ideal if you decide to go with aeroponic cultivation. In this case you won't even need a substrate in which to grow your plants. With this growing system the roots just submerge into water, which undergoes fewer alterations than if there was some type of substrate involved.

In this way a greater amount of oxygen directly reaches the roots. While with dense soil this would barely come to 30%, and with hydroponic growing you could see, in the best of cases, up to 80%, with aeroponic cultivation you can shatter all those numbers, with the roots of your plants directly receiving up to 99% oxygen. This will allow them to grow stronger and more robust, which ultimately means greater yields.

Now, if you want to obtain good results and a harvest that is the envy of all your friends, you'll have to keep a close eye on the state of the water. If you decide to use the Aeroflo growing system you'll have to make sure that the liquid feeding your plants has the right degree of oxygenation and features optimal PH, EC and temperature levels.


As with the previous ones, the Dutchpot growing system allows you to obtain great results from your harvest, in a simple way, and with very little effort. Each plant is supplied with the water and the nutrients it needs at all times. Unlike with the Autopot system, the Dutchpot features a pump to water each plant according to its needs.

Although it is a bit more complex than the preceding ones, it is very simple to install and boasts serious capacity (we can find models capable of working with 60 plants). Another one of the aspects that sets the Dutchpot apart is that it allows you to adapt your plants' cultivation to the different weather conditions over the course of the year, as its structure makes it possible to easily shift from an aeroponic system to a hydroponic one, and vice versa.


Very similar to the others is the Wilma automatic irrigation system, which guarantees that, with very little effort, you can obtain a high-quality harvest. The main advantage of this mode of hydroponic cultivation is that it protects your plants from diseases and plagues that can ruin your harvest. In addition, with it there is no accumulation of salts, since the nutrients supplied by the irrigation reach the roots directly.

Just place the pots over a tank of nutrients and install an irrigation tube in each plant. In order to determine how long each will be watered, just use a timer, which will activate the drip system to automatically nourish them.

Because these cultivation systems are light, they're easy to transport. In addition, their structure is highly stable, which means that, in spite of the risk always entailed by transporting plants from one place to another, they remain upright even when they have grown to large dimensions.