Rejected, despised, abruptly pulled.... male cannabis has been facing the stigma of discrimination and violence for too long.

As soon as a hint of masculinity is seen on the ground, we remove it from the plantation; for fear that it may pollinate our valuable females. Spindly, ugly, poor in THC and lacking buds, their terrible fate always seems to be the garbage.

But it is an injustice: males have their virtues and can be very useful. Let us tell you about it with the hope that someday they will take the place they deserve in the life of the cannabis grower.

The regeneration of the species

Having male and female plants is inherent to the nature of the cannabis plant. You may clone female plants for many generations, but, as in human societies, inbreeding ends up weakening the species. Every so often you must go back to traditional methods to clean and create new, stronger and more robust varieties.

The finest fabrics 

Cannabis is ancestrally used for the production of fibres in the textile industry. But while females produce only one type of fibre -a rough and resistant one, suitable for making ropes, sacks and canvas fabrics-, males produce fine, high quality fibres. Products similar to linen are woven with them and are used for items such as bedding, towels or clothing. Formerly, Italian weavers used to manufacture with this type of fibres garments that were as treasured as the finest silk. 

Cannabis Products 

Although in less amount and power than females, cannabis males also contain THC and other cannabinoids. However, they have the advantage that they can be harvested much earlier, so the impatient smoker can benefit from his/her products without having to wait for the maturation of the female buds. With them you can produce hash, oils or butter for cooking, and some say they are as good as or even better than those made out of females. They are obtained from the plant material (stems and leaves), reaping the males just before they start to release pollen, and when their level of THC is the highest.

It is said that males produce very high quality oil, and possibly this their greatest usefulness, especially in indoor growing with high-powered varieties.

Thus, male cannabis is as necessary and almost as useful as the female one. Throwing it away is uneconomical and an anti-stoner decision. Your annual provision can be greatly enriched and diversified if you know how to take proper advantage of it. Of course, you must keep a close eye on them and cut them at the right time; otherwise you will be ruining the entire plantation.