If you’re fascinated by organic products, you've surely heard about BioBizz! It’s a certified line-up of nutrients, substrates and additives that looks to raise ecological awareness among customers and make organic cultivation accessible to all leaving zero impact on the environment.

Born in 1992, BioBizz is one of the absolute leaders in the manufacturing of substrates and nutrients for the organic cultivation of cannabis plants. Despite starting off in the Netherlands, they soon moved to Spain, where they now have two headquarters, one in Vizcaya and the other in Barcelona. BioBizz is dedicated to the production of substrates, liquid fertilisers and substrate enhancers, all of them 100% organic, hence their huge success among organic growers.

What is an organic fertiliser?

To have a better understanding of the company's line of work, it's very important to learn the difference between organic and mineral nutrients. To put it shortly, mineral nutrients can be absorbed directly by the plants while organic nutrients need help from bacteria and fungi in the soil to be absorbed.

Non-organic nutrients are based on concentrated minerals that act way faster as they take less to break down than the organic ones. When using them, it's crucial to make sure the pH levels are at an appropriate level for them to be absorbed directly by the plants. For this, you need nothing but water. Not even soil.

Organic nutrients, for their part, are made of natural ingredients generally derived from living organisms. When mixed with water, the pH levels in them must be checked, and adjusted if necessary, so they can dissolve. The important thing is to foster microbial activity. This way, organic fertilisers will be converted by the microflora in the soil to become available to the plant as nutrition.

That's why organic nutrients take longer than mineral ones to break down although they have to be applied more frequently because they're less concentrated.

A roundup of BioBizz products

When it comes to the range of products created by BioBizz, we could say that their maxim has always been "less is more". They believe that healthy plants are not obtained with excessive use of fertilisers, but rather with controlled use. BioBizz's catalogue is, therefore, made up of seventeen 100% organic products, a starters' pack and four try packs divided into the following categories:

PH Regulators: the last addition to the BioBizz family. This line features two pH regulators, Bio pH+ and Bio pH-, specifically designed for organic growers.

BioBizz Fertilisers: these products provide plants with all the necessary elements to grow strong and healthy. Three nutrients are to be found in it: Bio·Grow, Bio·Bloom and Fish·Mix; BioBizz growth stimulators and BioBizz flowering stimulators of the best quality.

Stimulants: Stimulants help encourage plant development in different stages of their life cycle. The products within this line-up are Alga·Mic, Root·Juice and Top·Max.

Substrates: BioBizz sells three substrate mixtures (soil mix): All·Mix, Coco·Mix and Light·Mix.

Boosters: BioBizz has only one booster: Bio·Heaven; a product specifically designed for boosting the uptake of minerals up to a 95%.

Activators: Acti Vera activates and protects the plant's immune system, increases metabolism and enhances nutrient absorption.

Strengtheners: Leaf Coat is one of the most organic pesticides available on the market. It strengthens and protects plants from pests and diseases.

Substrate enhancers: Worm humus is a high-quality organic fertiliser based on decomposed material excreted by earthworms.

Dry fertilisers: Pre Mix boosts microbial life and improves the nutritional value of any substrate or soil mix.

Nutritional schedule by BioBizz

With so many options available, finding the right BioBizz product for every moment can seem difficult, but it's not. To make using their range of fertilisers accessible to all, every year, BioBizz releases a nutrient schedule with detailed information on the dosage, frequency and possible combinations of nutrients, additives and substances depending on the stage the plants are in. The schedule is available in the description page of every product although you can also download it here.

It's a highly intuitive document displaying a watering schedule based on the use of BioBizz liquid fertilisers and substrates that looks to make sure no nutrients go missing in any stage. It covers 12 weeks in total, the first 2 for the vegging stage and the remaining 10 for the blooming phase. During the last 2 weeks, though, no fertilisers are to be added as only water must be used.

The recommended dose has been calculated for grows under ideal conditions, when plants can take up the maximum amount of nutrients because all parameters are 100% balanced.

But remember that every plant and every garden is different. What works for one plant may not work for another one. This schedule is just a reference guide. Through a trial and error process, you'll quickly find the best method to obtain superior results.