The grinder philosophy is a millenary discipline followed by cannabis masters with the utmost attention. The masters know the secrets of the plant and the best ways to use it. Therefore, once the flowers have been cut and dried, they use an unbelievably simple but efficient artifact: the grinder.  

The grinder is a two or more pieces device that grinds marijuana buds without breaking up trichomes, keeping its entire narcotic potential. Trichomes are tiny particles with the biggest concentration of psychoactive components. You can filter and collect these particles –also called kief− using a grinder. Once you have gathered a big amount of kief in the grinder's lowest compartment you can make high quality homemade hashish.

Hashish making: Wrap up the kief in plastic and then in magazine paper −a fine flame resistant envelope. Press everything to compact the trichomes and heat it up in a frying pan. Turn it around a couple of minutes without burning it. Finally leave it in the freezer for one minute.

The 10 proverbs of the grinder philosophy

  1. Keep calm and grind.
  2. Before opening the lid, give one more wrist turn. 
  3. Don't be fool, once a week clean your tool. 
  4. Trichomes for today, cold turkey for tomorrow. 
  5. Work out your pulse and you'll build up precision. 
  6. Whisper to plants, not to trichomes. 
  7. Stop opening the trichome compartment every five minutes.
  8. Trichomes make you fly but they don't necessarily fly themselves. 
  9. Patience is the mother of trichomes.
  10. Every trichome has its doomsday.

Kinds of grinders

Two pieces (for rookies)

This tool is for rookies or tight-fisted users who don't want to spend a little more on a better device. This grinder hasn't got the trichome filter compartment so you can't collect them. It only improves the bud crushing.

Electric Grinders (for sophomores)

Best electric grinders for lazy users who avoid unnecessary wrist exercise and delegate toil on batteries. I bet these smokers use an electric toothbrush too. Models with filters are better. 

Carved wood (for rookies)

The same as the conventional two pieces but more beautiful. Best choice for nostalgic hippies who prefer aesthetics to functionality. It doesn't collect trichomes and resin gets more stuck on wood.

Four pieces (Advanced)

Most common grinder: a precise, solid and efficient device. It has four pieces and three compartments. You introduce ganja in the first one, then grind it to the second one and collect trichomes through the filter in the third one.

Four pieces mill grinder (Advanced) 

This might interest lazy users too. This grinder is similar to the conventional four pieces –it collects trichomes− but it also has a mill to improve the process. Perfect to prevent strained wrists.

Carved stone (Old School) 

This grinder is actually inferior to the four pieces models because it hasn't got a filter and a trichome compartment. However, stone is the noblest material which makes it Zen and desirable at the same time. Perfect for nostalgic hippies with class.